Български Език Course

Yesterday I had my first lessons in Bulgarian language. The teacher spoke mostly bulgarian and spanish, which is cool for the spanish. Additionally 10 words german which she tried to combine randomly in order to communicate also with the other germans and me, and a little english. Fortunaltely this forces to learn the language faster and more concentrated, cause my spanish skills basically consist of swearing and greeting. Nevertheless a very bizarre thing happened, which I wouldn’t have expected at all. The smell of burning cigarettes is all over the uni buildings anyways, because students just open windows to have a smoke in the staircase. This is totally normal here, but a smoking techer in classroom… really wired. Especially because minutes before the use of cellphones was forbidden.

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3 Responses to Български Език Course

  1. This is not only weird but also illegal, as far as I know. Smoking is forbidden in closed spaces in schools and universities. Even if this is a private entity, she shouldn’t be able to smoke just like that. Might be funny but on a second thought, it’s outrageous.

    If you want, you may send a complaint to the Sofia Regional Inspection for public health control at: director@sriokoz.com, 02/ 832 31 10.

  2. Fips says:

    Well…it’s different here. And if it’s only in one room – I don’t think one should care too carefully about this…

    The езиков курс is a bit a strange thing in this university, I think. Without foreknowledge the course would be just impossible… And at least one gets two languages in the time of one 😀

  3. maria says:

    Bist du an der TU? Da würd ich ja sofort an die Kl.Ohridski Universität wechseln. Bei uns damals haben die Lehrerinnen nämlich nur zur Abschlussprüfung im Zimmer geraucht 😀

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